13 Feb 2011

Margo multi tasking and coping well

Margo is knitting the finishing touches to the band of her skirt, frying an egg, taking care of her baby on her back and then the cat chose to sleep at her feet! The base is 9 X 5 cm and she is 14.5cm tall. Price upon request.


  1. I love her, she's just brilliant!! She's come out so well!

  2. Hi, Karin! I really like your new sculptures. This one is great. The cat and the baby are so cute! And also Eve is very sexy with her apple! Congratulations!

  3. Thanks for your comments, Carla. I had fun making her and can remember trying tying my son on my back when he was a baby and crying, but I was so thin at that stage that it was like tying a baby to a pole! Thanks for the comments on Eve.

  4. I love her, too! Great idea and execution!
    I also carried my sons on my back in a wrap and thought it was an excellent solution.

  5. Hi Liza,
    Thanks for the comment. It's always great to get positive feedback.
